The Academic Bank of Credit (ABC) ID is a unique identifier provided to students under the Academic Bank of Credits scheme, initiated by the Government of India as part of the National Education Policy (NEP) 2020. The purpose of the ABC ID is to facilitate the accumulation, transfer, and redemption of academic credits earned by students across various higher education institutions.
Academic Bank of Credit (ABC)
Why the ABC ID is Required
Centralized Record Keeping:
The ABC ID helps in maintaining a centralized digital record of the credits earned by each student, simplifying the process of credit verification and transfer.

Simplifies Credit Transfers:
Without an ABC ID, the process of transferring credits between institutions would be complex and cumbersome. The ID streamlines this process, making it straightforward and efficient.

Supports Mobility:
In an increasingly globalized world, the ABC ID supports student mobility, both within the country and internationally, by providing a standardized mechanism for credit recognition.

Facilitates Accreditation and Quality Assurance:
The system helps in maintaining quality assurance and accreditation standards across institutions by providing a uniform platform for credit accumulation and transfer.
Creating your ABC ID is mandatory
To create an ABC ID, you first need to create a DigiLocker account and then create the ABC ID. The entire process is provided in the link below: -
Here are some important YouTube channel links related to the Academic Bank of Credits
Introduction to Academic Bank of Credits

Academic Bank of Credits: What is ABC-Video-1

Academic Bank of Credits: What is ABC-Video-2

Academic Bank of Credits: What is ABC-Video-3